Tslib support in libSDL1.2

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Sun Apr 13 21:01:46 UTC 2014

2014-04-13 21:40 GMT+01:00 Michael Einhoff <michael at einhoff.org>:
> Hello Manuel,
> thank you for your quick reply. With your statement I can be sure, that the mistake is on my side. If I get news you will hear from me. It could take a while.

BTW, Raspbian don't use our packages straight away I think, they
recompile them to use other CPU options, and maybe they disable some
libraries if they cannot get them to work.

Perhaps you can try this in your raspberry pi to make sure if it's
linked against it or not:

$ ldd /usr/lib/*/libSDL-1.2.so.0 | grep libts
        libts-0.0.so.0 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libts-0.0.so.0

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo at gmail.com>

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