Bug#757585: missing libtool-update on smpeg

Felix Geyer fgeyer at debian.org
Sat Aug 30 16:23:39 UTC 2014


On 30.08.2014 13:24, Andreas Barth wrote:
> * Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo (manuel.montezelo at gmail.com) [140830 13:22]:
>> Hi,
>> 2014-08-29 23:04 GMT+01:00 Andreas Barth <aba at ayous.org>:
>>> * Andreas Barth (aba at ayous.org) [140829 23:55]:
>>>> - Remove everything from acinclude.m4 except the entry for socklen_t
>>>>   (the last one).
>>> According to changelog that change was already done by Branden
>>> Robinson in 2001, and confirmed by Felix Geyer in 2011.
>>> For that reason I tend to commit that change again on Sunday evening
>>> unless I get review otherwise.
>> I am a bit busy right now and will continue to be for a few days, so I
>> cannot guarantee that I have time to review this within 10 days at
>> least.
> Ok. I will wait a bit to give other the chance to review the patches, even
> though it looks fine for me.

The acinclude.m4 changes look fine.
Why is the AM_PROG_LIBTOOL -> AC_PROG_LIBTOOL change needed?
I know AM_PROG_LIBTOOL is deprecated but so is probably the whole autotools usage of smpeg.
A test build with just the acinclude.m4 changes worked fine on pcc64el.


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