Bug#814445: Non-Free file: src/stdlib/SDL_qsort.c

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 11:37:05 UTC 2016

Hi Ben,

2016-02-21 03:09 Ben Hutchings:
>I happen to know the original author, so I've mailed him requesting he
>consider relicencing.

I suppose that you were looking into this as part of the BSP.

I notified upstream a few days ago, and they didn't want to be in
possible breach of the license, so they changed the implementation for


libsdl1.2 suffers from the same problem, but we can just repack the
orig.tar and disable the use of this implementation (it's supposed to
not be used by default, so an empty file would do, or otherwise the file
from libsdl2 can be used).

So, in summary, I am going to upload fixes in the next few days.

At this point I suspect that upstream is not going to go back (unless
the implementation that they now use is problematic).  Maybe it's good
if you could get this relicenced just in case, e.g. for the benefit of
other distros.  What do you think?

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo at gmail.com>

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