Bug#814276: Non-Free file: src/stdlib/SDL_qsort.c

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 16:57:06 UTC 2016

Hi Gareth,

2016-02-21 13:14 GMT+00:00 Gareth McCaughan <gareth.mccaughan at pobox.com>:
> (My apologies if this email doesn't thread properly;
> I am not a subscriber to pkg-sdl-maintainers so all
> I can do is get the subject field right.)
> I've just had my attention drawn to this discussion;
> I'm the original author of the code in question.
> 1. Yes, the stupid home-grown licence was inconsistent
>    as stupid home-grown licences so often are. Sorry.
> 2. No, there is no LGPL violation; I took only broad
>    ideas, not (in any sense) code from the GNU qsort
>    implementation.
> The version now available from my website
> (https://www.mccaughan.org.uk/g/software.html)
> uses the zlib/libpng licence which is simpler,
> less restrictive, and OSI-approved, and its
> comments make it explicit that "stolen" did
> not indicate copyright infringement.
> This is all probably moot since SDL is now using
> another implementation, but I thought I might as well
> fix and clarify what I can.

Yes, Ryan from SDL upstream already replaced the file for libsdl2, I
don't know if he wants to use your new version or will keep the
current one (probably less work to keep the current one, now).

In any case, thanks again for the prompt reply, the clarification and
the relicensing -- it will be useful for other people in the future.

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo at gmail.com>

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