Bug#822210: sdl2-config.cmake: extra leading / trailing whitespace

Jason Pleau jason at jpleau.ca
Fri May 20 23:12:22 UTC 2016


On 05/19/2016 07:10 AM, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo wrote:
> Hi!
> 2016-05-01 15:42 Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo:
>> If it needs this change, I think that my solution is not very robust
>> and that the assumptions made don't work and can fail in other cases.
> So I've been fighting with this for a while this morning and couldn't
> get it to work as originally intended.  In the end, I uploaded a new
> version of the package with the patch stripping only the SDL2_LIBRARIES
> variable.
> If other vars contain whitespace in the future it will not work, but
> that's fundamentally a problem with upstream...  I submitted the patch
> for their consideration in any case.
> It would be great if you can verify that this works fine in your system,
> but I am quite confident that it does so I published the new release to
> the archive already -- lest it slips through the cracks and it's delayed
> for a few more weeks.

Seems to work here, thanks for the fix and upload!

> Cheers.

Jason Pleau

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