Git migration to salsa

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at
Thu Jan 4 11:50:02 UTC 2018

2018-01-03 19:18 GMT+01:00 Felix Geyer <fgeyer at>:
> Hi fellow Debian SDL maintainers,
> Since alioth is going away I'll migrate our Git repos to salsa.
> I've already created a group on GitLab [0] and added all active team members.
> There will be HTTP redirects but of course you need to update the SSH remote of checkouts.

Thanks Felix.

As I understand it, unless there are more recent news in the last few
days, there can be the need to start from scratch if something goes
awfully wrong.

Should we continuing using Alioth for the time being, or just Salsa
and hope for the best?

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo at>

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