Bug#142070: [Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#142070: acknowledged by developer (Bug is a duplicate of closed 283961)
Christian Perrier
Christian Perrier <bubulle@debian.org>, 142070@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 6 Apr 2005 06:35:39 +0200
Quoting Tim Warnock (timoid@getonit.net.au):
> That fix went into sarge by the looks of it, what about us woody users?
Given the huge bug log of shadow, the lack of backsight we have on it,
I'm very reluctant for keeping bugs opened, tagged "woody" and sleep
in the BTS, while sarge is near to be released.
There is no chance that woody is ever fixed for such bugs, so keeping
them opened is just a way to prevent them to be reported
again....which is very unlikely to happen from woody users now, from
my experience.
In the future life of shadow, bugs appearing on the "stable" version,
fixed in unstable and testing, *will* be handled by marking them
"sarge" and leaving them opened. But, at this moment, our priority is
going through the backlog of shadow bugs...which will last for more
time than it will take for sarge to be released.