Bug#317012: (forw) Bug#317012: [Pkg-shadow-devel] Processed: Bug#316089: chage fails if plain passwd in use
Christian Perrier
Christian Perrier <bubulle@debian.org>, 317012@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 7 Jul 2005 06:55:53 +0200
> >----- Forwarded message from Alexander Gattin
> ...
> >I propose to use `useradd -O PASS_MAX_DAYS=3D99999`
> >instead and from my side going to update useradd's
> >manpage (see bug #304934).
> We should consider the following things:
> 1. depending on -O will require versioned "depends:"
> 2. depending on "special" chage exitcode will result in
> the same
> 3. there are actually 3rd way out:
> you just should check whether /etc/shadow exists,
> and if no, chage will surely fail, because pwd ageing
> information is contained in shadow only, not in=20
> passwd.
Marc Haber explained on IRC that the "-O" option adds a problem to
backport (on the other hand, this -O option actually exists since a
long time).
As, in the same time, changing chage to have a special errorlevel does
not harm a lot and is judged by Marc as more pratical to use for hime,
I hereby decide that we will go that way.
So, what must be done:
-someone has to produce a patch to add a special errorlevel for chage
when shadow passwords ar enot used
-this patch has to be "ported" for upstream shadow
-it should be proposed upstream
-whatever upstream decides, we will use this patch in Debian, either
as a Debian-only patch, or as a temporary patch against the old
upstream version
-we upload a fixed version as soon as possible to give Marc a possible
solution for his own bug report
The key point, then, becomes=A0: write down the patch. Nicolas or
Alexander, you seem to be the people who actually can do it. Would one
of you try this?