[Pkg-shadow-devel] What is the next step for shadow in debian?
Nicolas François
Wed, 8 Jun 2005 15:14:20 +0200
On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 11:03:54AM +0200, Martin Quinson wrote:
> Hello,
> I am wondering whether we want to do another release on 4.0.3 to close yet
> another bunch of bugs, or whether we want to move to the lastest upstream
> release.
> I'm in favor of the second, but we have to all agree on this because the
> move will be somehow tedious and it will be difficult to have several person
> doing it. If the others change the patchset at the same time, it'll be
> *very* difficult to do.
I would love to play with a pre-experimental package at Debconf (upstream
shadow packaged, with the infrastructure to add patches).
Also, I'm ready to bribe anyboby comming to Debconf with a ginger or fir
needle liquor bottle.