[Pkg-shadow-devel] What is the next step for shadow in debian?
Nicolas François
Thu, 9 Jun 2005 11:52:13 +0200
On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 07:30:51PM +0200, Tomasz KÅ‚oczko wrote:
> Only for information about my plans (for better coordination in time :)=
> In next few days I want merge few pending patches and commit en man pag=
> generated from xml files. After finish this I want release 4.0.10.
> If I'll find some spare time for finish this to comming monday 4.0.10 w=
> be released in next monday 20.06.2205 (as usualy with one week for upda=
> i18n resources by translators). If not .. one week later.
Tomasz, If you're interested in any of the 008_* patches, just say so. I
have time to update these patches for your CVS.
There is usually a short description for the patch, and references for
some bug number.
(Usually you can get more info on the bug at http://bugs.debian.org/<bug>)
Kind Regards,