Bug#304350: [Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#304350: Always ask for root passowrd twice, even on critical priority installs?
Martin Quinson
Martin Quinson <martin.quinson@loria.fr>, 304350@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 16 Jun 2005 00:19:43 +0200
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On Wed, Jun 15, 2005 at 08:49:53PM +0200, Adeodato Sim=F3 wrote:
> * Christian Perrier [Mon, 13 Jun 2005 23:21:46 +0200]:
> > I'm still waiting for someone to give me an argument for the choice of
> > only one prompt,
As for the initial discussion, I'm also against uniq prompting.
> As mentioned elsewhere in the thread, I also think that the only other
> option that would not be unreasonable to defend would be not asking
> for a password at all in critical mode. Which is not the current
> discussion, anyway.
If you want to reduce the amount of questions at critical priority, I think
that's the way to go.
FYI, here is the experience I gained by installing a brand new computer
- windows only ask for the admin password and leave the user one without any
- ubuntu only ask for the user password, let the user be sudoer, and disable
root login.
I kinda like the ubuntu way of doing things, and doing the same within
debian would help to merge the package versions :)
Bye, Mt.
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