Bug#314539: [Pkg-shadow-devel] please remove UMASK from login.defs

Christian Perrier Christian Perrier <bubulle@debian.org>, 314539@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 19 Jun 2005 10:15:14 +0200

> Yes, but while login.defs can't catch all entries of a
> user to system (like through cron/at/ssh etc.) which
> shellrc can catch, it _can_ still catch entries of user
> with a non-shell (pppd) or with a shell which don't set
> umask (tcsh in Debian by default, AFAIS).
> Thus currently UMASK in login.defs _has_ some use.
> That's why I think it's not a right time yet to remove
> it from there.

At this point, guys, your discussion still leads me to the conclusion
that having UMASK in the *default* login.defs may induce more
confusion than benefits.

As we seem to agree that the right direction is encouraging the use of
pam_umask, I tend to prefer keeping the UMASK setting commented (sse
debian/login.defs in trunk/) with a wide comment about the issue.

Alex, please review what's currently in the trunk.