[Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#63778: marked as done (Initial Install dpkg-reconfigure not accepting root password)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Wed, 30 Mar 2005 10:33:19 -0800
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and subject line Bug is certainly away for ages
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Date: Mon, 08 May 2000 15:56:07 -0500
From: Bolan Meek <Bolan.Meek@wcom.com>
Subject: Initial Install dpkg-reconfigure not accepting root password
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After installing the base system, with driver modules, and rebooting,
dpkg-reconfigure is requiring a password for root. This is after
configuring a timezone.
There are no pseudo-echo characters indicating the keystrokes
are accepted, but 'tab' results in focus change to the text-field, and
to the 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons. 'Enter' results in the password
confirmation screen, and, even after carefully retyping the password
entered, allegedly, on the previous screen, 'Enter' or 'OK' merely
results in a repeat of the password request screen.
Switching to tty2, and logging in as root requires no password,
but running 'passwd root' here establishes a password, tested
by exiting from the shell, and logging back in.
Now that I'd extablished a password for root, and cancelled the
root password screen on tty1, it restarts dpkg-reconfigure, and
skips the root password screen after asking about MD5 and
shadow passwords, going right to offering a non-root account.
Received: (at 63778-done) by bugs.debian.org; 30 Mar 2005 18:15:57 +0000
>From bubulle@kheops.frmug.org Wed Mar 30 10:15:57 2005
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Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 19:59:25 +0200
From: Christian Perrier <bubulle@debian.org>
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Subject: Bug is certainly away for ages
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This initial root password bug is certainly away for ages, given the
number of successful installation report received by the Debian
Instalelr team since the bug was reported.
I'm highly confident that this is a very old nasty race condition
which is certainly impossible to reproduce.
In any case, keeping this opened doesn't help and any further
occurrence of this bug will certainly trigger a new bug report.