[Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#69090: marked as done (shell variables in su/sudo)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Wed, 30 Mar 2005 10:33:24 -0800
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Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 18:37:45 -0700
From: Jens Taprogge <taprogge@idg.rwth-aachen.de>
To: submit@bugs.debian.org
Subject: strange su / which / apt behaviour
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I am experiencing some strange behavior when I su to root: Which seems to be
looking for things in the $PATH that is defined for my normal user account
instead of the superuser account:
$ su
# which ldconfig
# echo $PATH
# ls /sbin/ldconfig
I also experience a similar problem with dselect: When I try to install certain
packages that use non-absolute paths for the commands in their .post-install
scripts it seems to check the $PATH of the normal user-account again.
Now when I use sudo things seem to be normal:
$ sudo which ldconfig
On the other hand:
$ sudo -s
# which ldconfig
$ su -c "which ldconfig"
I discussed the above with people on #debian (especially zonem) but we did not
find a solution to the problem.
It does not show up on all the machines I could try it on.
All machines I tried were updated to the latest potato packages.
Best Regards
Jens Taprogge
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Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 20:05:19 +0200
From: Christian Perrier <bubulle@debian.org>
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As the bug submitter mentioned in the last bits of the bug log, the
bug is now impossible to reproduce for him.
It probably falls in the "it must be user error" category and maybe
the "fixed since ages" category.
In any case, it deserves to be closed. Another new bug should be
opened if someone experiences similar problems.