[Pkg-shadow-devel] (forw) Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender

Martin Quinson martin.quinson@loria.fr
Sat, 7 May 2005 23:04:35 +0200

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Calm down, dude. Tomasz gets you through the list: he did even answer to
this mail...

Signed: the californian Mt ;)

On Fri, May 06, 2005 at 08:11:56AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> Oh my....
> It seems that Tomasz ISP (or TOmasz system itself) began using some
> shitty RBLs which probably blacklist entire address blocks, which
> include those from Proxad/Free which I use at home.
> Please please please, if you have some power to make that stop, please
> please tell these people that RBL are pure bloody crappy shit which
> most of the time prevent people to send legitimate mails rather than
> blocking spam.
> Spam control should be done with appropriate software, not by randomly
> blocking addresses, which goes againt one of the very first goal of
> the Internet=A0: free and easy communication.
> Please repeat after me : RBL SUCK AND ARE USELESS. The only blacklists
> I personnally approve are blacklists of open relays only such as my
> friends from will-spam-for-food.eu.org
> In the meantime, I will be force to setup an alternate route for mails
> sent to Tomasz domain and that sucks.
> And, to answer the question some people may have=A0: no, I don't want to
> use my ISP SMTP server except when forced to do so=A0: why would I rely
> on them while I can rely just on myself to send mails?
> I work that way for 15 years now and I see no reason to change
> anything, dammit.
> /me, angry.

You mean, no reason beside the always increasing number of spam exchanged on
the net, right?=20

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