[Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#295416: Deleting a user group in userdel should only be done if the group is empty

Alexander Gattin arg@online.com.ua
Sun, 8 May 2005 03:31:40 +0300

> I spent some time during previous week to look at
> useradd in other unices. What I found, in particular,
> is that in FreeBSD, e.g. there's no useradd/userdel at
> all.

Neither in OpenBSD. But there's useradd/userdel utils
in NetBSD though:

former being rather similar to its shadow counterpart.

In AIX there's mkuser/rmuser instead.

P.S. I think we should not expect a user to expect ;)
any similarity between useradd/userdel tools across
different Unices at all.
