[Pkg-shadow-devel] We now have a working SVN repository
Nicolas François
Wed, 11 May 2005 20:28:56 +0200
On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 01:44:32PM +0200, Martin Quinson wrote:
> So, I guess we're ready to go.
> So, What about this:
> ssh alioth.debian.org "tar cfz --preserve -" | ssh svn.debian.org "tar xfz -"
For the following:
> ssh svn.debian.org "cvs2svn --dump-only cvsroot/pkg-shadow"
> ssh svn.debian.org "svnadmin load /svn/pkg-shadow/ < cvs2svn-dump"
I recommend (it is the one I tried):
ssh svn.debian.org "cvs2svn --existing-svnrepos -s /svn/pkg-shadow/ cvsroot/pkg-shadow"
(If you really want to use an intermediate dump file, I can try it here)
> ssh svn.debian.org "rm -rf cvs2svn-dump cvsroot/pkg-shadow"
(and then just ssh svn.debian.org "cvsroot/pkg-shadow")
> I guess that it has to work from the first time, doesn't it? I mean,
> "svnadmin load" won't overwrite the exiting, will it? If it will, I can give
> it a try, we can play with the svn. If everything's right, yuhu, we kill the
> cvs and hop. If something's wrong, we fix it and trying again is trivial.
> If svnadmin load conserves what was there before, we must success on the
> first try, I guess.
Yes, it has to work from the first time.
The only problem I can see is that you don't have the rights to perform
these operations. But in this case, there should be no harm either.
Then, on your box, the commands should be:
svn co svn+ssh://mquinson@svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-shadow
cd pkg-shadow
svn move trunk/sarge/ branches/sarge
svn move trunk/sid/debian/ trunk/debian
svn delete trunk/CVSROOT/
svn delete trunk/sid
svn ci -m "Create a sarge branch with the sarge directory and clean the trunk"
And then we can compare with the cvs, and decide if we are pleased with
the svn repository.
I've also seen that there is a "version_" tag in the CVS. You may want to
delete it if it bother you.
I think you can proceed now. Just announce a freeze time for the CVS.
Kind Regards,