[Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#293492: useradd: by default creates user
with unspecified shell, this causes problems
Tomasz Kłoczko
Thu, 12 May 2005 15:29:48 +0200 (CEST)
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On Thu, 12 May 2005, Martin Quinson wrote:
> What if we have:
> -static const char *def_shell =3D "";
> +static const char *def_shell =3D "/bin/sh";
Bettter but if Solaris behavior will be implemented this kind of patch=20
will be not neccessary and def_shell can stay as empty. So IMO this=20
change can be only taken as temporary solution
> I agree that putting bash is not a great idea, I just wanted to mimick th=
> previous fix to that bug, back in the days.
Doesn't matter about is bash is great or not .. think on above only in=20
context "how it must work ?".
> It would fix half of the issue you report, at least, by setting a sane
> default. Then, we have to make sure that it is also a fallback for when
> things go seriously wrong. But this may be seen as a separate issue.
*Ludzie nie maj=B1 problem=F3w, tylko sobie sami je stwarzaj=B1*
Tomasz K=B3oczko, sys adm @zie.pg.gda.pl|*e-mail: kloczek@rudy.mif.pg.gda.p=