Bug#134473: [Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#134473: Is someone able to understand what is requested in #134473?
Martin Quinson
Martin Quinson <martin.quinson@loria.fr>, 134473@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 17 May 2005 08:45:22 +0200
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On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 07:28:25AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> (enlarging the discussion again..:-)). See http://bugs.debian.org/134473
> > > I'm CCing debian NIS packager (hello Miquel) to see what he think abo=
ut it.
> > > [For the context, shadow packaging just changed into a team effort, a=
> > > we're doing massive bug triage]
> >=20
> > Well actually nowadays Mark Brown does most (the last few releases,
> > all) of the work on NIS.
> >=20
> > But it's probably not a bad idea to make the tools more flexible.
> > It sure beats vi :)
> Well, I will need to be convinced..:-)
> Up to now, we are still looking at useradd/userdel as "low-level"
> tools and thus the "high-level" functionality is better be integrated
> into adduser/deluser.
> We also have, for instance, a request to make useradd add users in
> LDAP backends and we could even end up in requests to be able to add
> users in "winbind" backends one can have with the samba package (users
> authenticated against a NT domain).
> I'm very reluctant to push such feature requests to upstream shadow
> and ask it with all possible name services systems.
Well, we're not exactly speaking of adding a whole new mecanism, I think,
but of allowing the tools to do exactly the same work on other files. For
sake of helping nis users. It's a valuable goal which is easy to achieve.
I vote +1 for it.
If Mark and Miquel confirm that this would indeed help nis user (and thus
confirm that this is probably the submitter request), I'll prepare a patch.
Once the technical issue will be solved, the complexity of the solution may
help in the political discussion about whether we want it ;)
Tomasz, what's you opinion on this one?
Bye, Mt.
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