[Pkg-shadow-devel] Release schedule for 4.0.3-35 updated
Nicolas François
Mon, 23 May 2005 02:08:49 +0200
On Sun, May 22, 2005 at 11:00:49AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> I have commited a release-schedule file with my proposed schedule for
> the release of 4.0.3-35.
> I made it slip a little because of my trip to Chile, where net access
> mauy be quite loose (I'll be in an Arts and Science University, not in
> an IT university). So, I prefer we don't release while I'm there.
> I made a very detailed schedule which involves internal testing before
> we release the package. This could be adopted as our usual procedure
> during the normal life of the unstable development.
> Release of 4.0.3-35
> -------------------
> Target:
> - cope with as many pending bugs as possible
> - try fixing new bugs as they come
> - reduce the size of 0xx patches to split them in 3xx and 4xx
I resumed on this task.
008_src was split in other 008_* patches.
I will submit them to Tomasz, and sort them in 3xx/4xx (I preferred not to
submit them a few hour before his release).
I removed the easiest parts.
What is remaining:
* 006_libmisc.dpatch
+ chowntty.c
I'm not sure we should keep this one. It was introduced in the first
debian 4.0.3 and was not present in the previous 200xxxxx-xx version
I still don't see the rationale.
+ failure.{c,h}
I still don't see the rationale. I will check google.
such patch was already applied upstream (on other files), so maybe
it should be kept.
* 008_src.dpatch
+ login.c
+ su.c
these patches are quite long. It will be difficult to split them,
seek the rationale in the changelog, and check if applied upstream
(which has a lot of changes since 4.0.3)
* other 0xx
They either require no or just a little work
> Schedule:
> - stop commits to SVN: June 2 2005 midnight UTC
> - build tests : June 3-4 2005
> - build : June 5 2005
> - internal tests : June 6-7 2005
> - upload : June 8 2005
Looks nice. I will be there.
We will see if it's too short/ambitious ;)
PS: you did not commit the patches for the last sarge and sid packages.
Best Regards,