Bug#295416: [Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#295416: Could we propose a patch for the "userdel should not remove the group which is primary for someone else" bug ?

Tomasz Kłoczko kloczek at zie.pg.gda.pl
Sun Oct 2 15:09:45 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2 Oct 2005, Nicolas François wrote:

> Hello Tomasz,
> Can you have a look at these patches.
> The second patch (userdel_2.patch) gives a special return value in this case.

userdel_1.patch can be commited (+- indentation) but userdel_2.patch not 
because it uses bit operation on exit code value and changes now used 
E_HOMEDIR value.

Also current variant of handle exit code by errors++ in two points in 
userdel also looks strange/incorrect because this not uses semantics like 
"exit immediately on first found error".
Best will be use fprintf() for output error message and immediately stop
program using fail_exit().

I'm not shure now why was used collecting some class of error cases and 
exit in one point of userdel program (I'm still reviewing code).

*Ludzie nie mają problemów, tylko sobie sami je stwarzają*
Tomasz Kłoczko, sys adm @zie.pg.gda.pl|*e-mail: kloczek at rudy.mif.pg.gda.pl*

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