[Pkg-shadow-devel] Processed: Reassigning/retitling bugs

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at bugs.debian.org
Sun Oct 9 08:03:25 UTC 2005

Processing commands for control at bugs.debian.org:

> retitle 166718 Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#166718: [POST-SARGE] [CHRISTIAN] [DEBIAN DECISION] Please add the first created user to useful groups
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 212452 Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#212452: [POST-SARGE] [CHRISTIAN] [DEBIAN DECISION] Please add the first created user to useful groups
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 233894 Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#233894: base-config should add the first user to some system groups
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 239006 Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#239006: [POST-SARGE] [CHRISTIAN] [DEBIAN DECISION] Please add the first created user to useful groups
Changed Bug title.

> retitle 240707 Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#240707: [POST-SARGE] [CHRISTIAN] [DEBIAN DECISION] Please add the first created user to useful groups
Changed Bug title.

> tags 166718 - wontfix patch confirmed
Bug#166718: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Tags were: d-i confirmed wontfix patch
Bug#212452: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#233894: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#239006: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#240707: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Tags removed: wontfix, patch, confirmed

> tags 212452 - wontfix patch confirmed
Bug#212452: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Tags were: d-i
Bug#166718: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#233894: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#239006: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#240707: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Tags removed: wontfix, patch, confirmed

> tags 233894 - wontfix patch confirmed
Bug#233894: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Tags were: d-i
Bug#166718: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#212452: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#239006: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#240707: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Tags removed: wontfix, patch, confirmed

> tags 239006 - wontfix patch confirmed
Bug#239006: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Tags were: d-i
Bug#166718: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#212452: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#233894: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#240707: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Tags removed: wontfix, patch, confirmed

> tags 240707 - wontfix patch confirmed
Bug#240707: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Tags were: d-i
Bug#166718: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#212452: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#233894: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#239006: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Tags removed: wontfix, patch, confirmed

> reassign 166718 adduser
Bug#166718: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#212452: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#233894: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#239006: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#240707: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug reassigned from package `passwd' to `adduser'.

> reassign 212452 adduser
Bug#212452: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#166718: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#233894: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#239006: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#240707: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug reassigned from package `adduser' to `adduser'.

> reassign 233894 adduser
Bug#233894: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#166718: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#212452: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#239006: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#240707: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug reassigned from package `adduser' to `adduser'.

> reassign 239006 adduser
Bug#239006: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#166718: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#212452: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#233894: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#240707: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug reassigned from package `adduser' to `adduser'.

> reassign 240707 adduser
Bug#240707: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#166718: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#212452: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#233894: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug#239006: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug reassigned from package `adduser' to `adduser'.

> clone 166718 -1
Bug#166718: Please add an option to add users to "useful" groups
Bug is marked as being merged with others.

> retitle -1 Please add the first created user to useful groups
Bug number -1 not found.

> reassign -1 passwd
Bug number -1 not found.

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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