[Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#333706: Incomplete patch to add "-r" option to useradd

Christian Perrier bubulle at kheops.frmug.org
Mon Oct 31 08:44:09 UTC 2005

Hi Tomasz,

Here's an incomplete patch which adds a "-r"/"--system" option of

I write "incomplete" because for a reason I can't explain, "--system"
works as expected while "-r" does not.

I fail to see why and I preferred sending this to you even if

I know you're not compeltely fond of the request to add "-r" to
useradd for LSB compliance, but Matt Taggart gave some good reasons in
the bug log (http://bugs.debian.org/333706).


-------------- next part --------------
Goal: Add a "-r" option to useradd

Fixes: #333706

Status wrt upstream: Forwarded but not applied yet.

This patch is still incomplete ad "--system" works as expected while
"-" does ot

Index: shadow-4.0.13/src/useradd.c
--- shadow-4.0.13.orig/src/useradd.c	2005-10-27 14:28:27.288423968 +0200
+++ shadow-4.0.13/src/useradd.c	2005-10-27 18:57:02.880152256 +0200
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@
     mflg = 0,			/* create user's home directory if it doesn't exist */
     nflg = 0,			/* create a group having the same name as the user */
     oflg = 0,			/* permit non-unique user ID to be specified with -u */
+    rflg = 0,			/* create a system account (LSB compliance) */
     sflg = 0,			/* shell program for new account */
     uflg = 0;			/* specify user ID for new account */
@@ -640,6 +641,7 @@
 			   "				(non-unique) UID\n"
 			   "  -p, --password PASSWORD	use encrypted password for the new user\n"
 			   "				account\n"
+			   "  -r, --system			create a system account\n"
 			   "  -s, --shell SHELL		the login shell for the new user account\n"
 			   "  -u, --uid UID			force use the UID for the new user account\n"));
 	exit (E_USAGE);
@@ -687,11 +689,19 @@
 	spent->sp_namp = (char *) user_name;
 	spent->sp_pwdp = (char *) user_pass;
 	spent->sp_lstchg = time ((time_t *) 0) / SCALE;
-	spent->sp_min = scale_age (getdef_num ("PASS_MIN_DAYS", -1));
-	spent->sp_max = scale_age (getdef_num ("PASS_MAX_DAYS", -1));
-	spent->sp_warn = scale_age (getdef_num ("PASS_WARN_AGE", -1));
-	spent->sp_inact = scale_age (def_inactive);
-	spent->sp_expire = scale_age (user_expire);
+	if (!rflg) {
+		spent->sp_min = scale_age (getdef_num ("PASS_MIN_DAYS", -1));
+		spent->sp_max = scale_age (getdef_num ("PASS_MAX_DAYS", -1));
+		spent->sp_warn = scale_age (getdef_num ("PASS_WARN_AGE", -1));
+		spent->sp_inact = scale_age (def_inactive);
+		spent->sp_expire = scale_age (user_expire);
+        } else {
+		spent->sp_min = scale_age(-1);
+		spent->sp_max = scale_age(-1);
+		spent->sp_warn = scale_age(-1);
+		spent->sp_inact = scale_age(-1);
+		spent->sp_expire = scale_age(-1);
+	}
 	spent->sp_flag = -1;
@@ -838,8 +848,13 @@
 	const struct passwd *pwd;
 	uid_t uid_min, uid_max;
-	uid_min = getdef_unum ("UID_MIN", 1000);
-	uid_max = getdef_unum ("UID_MAX", 60000);
+	if (!rflg) {
+		uid_min = getdef_unum ("UID_MIN", 1000);
+		uid_max = getdef_unum ("UID_MAX", 60000);
+	} else {
+		uid_min = 1;
+		uid_max = getdef_unum ("UID_MIN", 1000) - 1;
+	}
 	 * Start with some UID value if the user didn't provide us with
@@ -944,12 +959,13 @@
 			{"create-home", no_argument, NULL, 'm'},
 			{"non-unique", no_argument, NULL, 'o'},
 			{"password", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
+			{"system", no_argument, NULL, 'r'},
 			{"shell", required_argument, NULL, 's'},
 			{"uid", required_argument, NULL, 'u'},
 			{NULL, 0, NULL, '\0'}
 		while ((c =
-			getopt_long (argc, argv, "b:c:d:De:f:g:G:k:O:K:mMop:s:u:",
+			getopt_long (argc, argv, "b:c:d:De:f:g:G:k:O:K:mMop:r:s:u:",
 				     long_options, NULL)) != -1) {
 			switch (c) {
 			case 'b':
@@ -1103,6 +1119,9 @@
 				user_pass = optarg;
+			case 'r':
+				rflg++;
+				break;
 			case 's':
 				if (!VALID (optarg)
 				    || (optarg[0]
@@ -1386,23 +1405,25 @@
 static void create_home (void)
-	if (access (user_home, F_OK)) {
-		/* XXX - create missing parent directories.  --marekm */
-		if (mkdir (user_home, 0)) {
-			fprintf (stderr,
-				 _
-				 ("%s: cannot create directory %s\n"),
-				 Prog, user_home);
-			fail_exit (E_HOMEDIR);
-		}
-		chown (user_home, user_id, user_gid);
-		chmod (user_home, 0777 & ~getdef_num ("UMASK", 022));
-		home_added++;
+	if (!rflg) /* for system accounts defaults are ignored and we
+		    * do not create a home dir -- gafton */
+		if (access (user_home, F_OK)) {
+			/* XXX - create missing parent directories.  --marekm */
+			if (mkdir (user_home, 0)) {
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 _
+				 	("%s: cannot create directory %s\n"),
+				 	Prog, user_home);
+				fail_exit (E_HOMEDIR);
+			}
+			chown (user_home, user_id, user_gid);
+			chmod (user_home, 0777 & ~getdef_num ("UMASK", 022));
+			home_added++;
 #ifdef WITH_AUDIT
-		audit_logger (AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK, Prog,
+			audit_logger (AUDIT_USER_CHAUTHTOK, Prog,
 			      "adding home directory", user_name, user_id, 1);
-	}
+		}

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