Bug#293492: [Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#293492: useradd: by default creates user with unspecified shell, this causes problems

Alexander Gattin xrgtn at yandex.ru
Fri Sep 16 23:43:58 UTC 2005


On Tue, Sep 06, 2005 at 05:57:39PM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> Quoting Daniel Kabs (daniel.kabs at mobotix.com):
> > Consequences:
> > As the shell field in /etc/passwd was empty, "vsftp" did not allow this new 
> > user to log in because its shell was not listed in /etc/shells.
> To solve this bug, we actually have two solutions:
> -force a default non-empty shell as proposed in the patch by
>  M. Quinson
> -supply a /etc/default/useradd file with at least SHELL uncommented
> (and other possible variables commented)
> We will very certainly do the latter. So, has anyone an objection for
> us to supply /etc/default/useradd with:
> SHELL=/bin/sh
> Alex, this bug was assigned to you...

Sorry, I was semi-offline because of problems with my e-mail
urgent job and a business trip to France.

I agree with you that the latter way is preferred.

So I'll make the necessary changes.

What I dislike, however, is presence of e.g.
in /etc/adduser.conf and other variables that bear
common sense for adduser and useradd.


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