[Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#221290: Bug #221290 still here: screen garbled after entering high-ascii characters at login prompt

Helge Kreutzmann kreutzm at itp.uni-hannover.de
Tue Sep 27 16:13:25 UTC 2005

On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 07:38:12AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> When entering high-ascii characters at the login prompt (usually by
> mistake), such as "é", and then hitting Backspace to remove them,
> they're not erased at the prompt...and, when entering the correct
> login and validating, login switched the terminal to all-caps.

Well, I don't have an all caps afterwards. I just checked (on Sarge)
an get the following:
a) Enter a non-ASCII character (like ä)
b) Erase it. Now the "ä" remains, but two white blocks, sepearted by
   space are added on the prompt
c) Presse Enter once
d) Login using a valid login/password
e) Start vim
f) Now those characters are replaced (!) by other characters. I have,
   e.g., ä->d ö->v ü->| (I can create a complete list, if it helps).
g) Quit vim, type reset
h) Everything is back to normal.

Even before entering "reset", äöü are correct on the shell (bash)
prompt.  On the login prompt I observe to behaviours:
a) "ä" (or another non-ASCII character) is entered, but not erased
    before pressing enter. In this case, on the next "login"-prompt
    (same virtual terminal, of course), "ä" is replaced by "d" (and
    the same for the other ones). But in this case, vim displays "ä"
    as well.
b) "ä" (or another non-ASCII character) is entered, but it *is* erased
   (although the visual artefacts as described above appear), then on
   the next login prompt "ä" remains "ä". In this case (as described
   above) "ä" becomes "d" in vim, until "reset" is entered.

I have not (yet) switched to UTF, if that is important.

When I run stty -a in a "clean" shell vs. in a "broken" shell (in the
sequence above, before running reset) I get the following differences:
claen:                    broken:
======                    =======
-parenb -parodd cs8       parenb -parodd cs7
-inpck -istrip            inpck istrip

If you need more/other info, please tell me which. I can also create a
table of all "mixed up" characters in the broken case, if that is

> This happens in the Linux console. Nothing bad happens in a terminal,
> eitheer UTF-8 or ISO....

Haven't tried a terminal yet. Only linux console.


Dr. Helge Kreutzmann, Dipl.-Phys.           Helge.Kreutzmann at itp.uni-hannover.de
                       gpg signed mail preferred 
    64bit GNU powered                  http://www.itp.uni-hannover.de/~kreutzm
          Help keep free software "libre": http://www.ffii.de/
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