[Pkg-shadow-devel] Re: [Pkg-shadow-commits] r555 - trunk/debian

Alexander Gattin xrgtn at yandex.ru
Fri Sep 30 23:02:59 UTC 2005

3rd variant:

# Uncomment this to force users to be a member of group "root"
# before they can use `su'. You can also add "group=foo" to
# to the end of this line if you want to use a group other
# than the default "root" (but this may have side effect of
# denying "root" user, unless she's a member of "foo" or explicitly
# permitted earlier by e.g. "sufficient pam_rootok.so").
# (Replaces the `SU_WHEEL_ONLY' option from login.defs)
# auth       required   pam_wheel.so

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