[Pkg-shadow-devel] Re: Add derivatives

owner at packages.qa.debian.org owner at packages.qa.debian.org
Tue Jul 18 06:39:52 UTC 2006

Processing commands for pts at qa.debian.org:

> Subject: Add derivatives

> keywordall + derivatives
Updated the default list of keywords accepted by bubulle at debian.org.
Updated the list of keywords accepted by bubulle at debian.org for the package debian-installer.
Updated the list of keywords accepted by bubulle at debian.org for the package debian-installer_cvs.
> keywordall bubulle at debian.org + derivatives
Updated the default list of keywords accepted by bubulle at debian.org.
Updated the list of keywords accepted by bubulle at debian.org for the package debian-installer.
Updated the list of keywords accepted by bubulle at debian.org for the package debian-installer_cvs.
> keywordall pkg-fonts-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org + derivatives
> keywordall pkg-shadow-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org + derivatives
> keywordall pkg-samba-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org + derivatives
> -- 
Stopping processing here.

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