Bug#406046: [Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#406046: Useradd: limits password to eight characters

Tina tinaweb at bestemselv.com
Tue Jan 9 08:14:52 CET 2007

Nicolas François wrote:
> How did you created the user. useradd creates the user, but do not set a
> password.
> Also, the encrypted password you mentioned is not an MD5 password.
> (it's for example the output of `mkpasswd testuserpasssdf 33`)
> I suppose your system is not MD5 enabled.
> Only MD5 passwords can be longer than 8 characters.
> As MD5 passwords is the default on Debian, I'm lowering the severity of
> this bug.
> I'm interrested in the following point:
>  * How did you created the user?
>  * How did you set the user's password?
>  * What's your /etc/pam.d/passwd (and other included files)? In
>    particular, does it contain something like:
>     password   required   pam_unix.so md5
> Kind Regards,
The user(s) was created using:
useradd -c "Real Name" -g group -m -p encryptedpass username

Referring to useradd manpage I used crypt() to encrypt the password.

My /etc/pam.d/passwd:
# The PAM configuration file for the Shadow `passwd' service

@include common-password


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