[Pkg-shadow-devel] ldap support
Miek Gieben
miek at miek.nl
Tue Jun 10 19:53:59 UTC 2008
[ Quoting Nicolas François in "Re: [Pkg-shadow-devel] ldap support"... ]
> Hello,
> > I'm not getting this.. as you are using setpwent (for instance) you
> > should be getting the backend for free? As glibc will do the heavy
> > lifting and will update the appropiate backend?
> This might be an old TODO entry (shadow used to have its own API to read
> and write in the passwd/group/shadow files).
> However, I never tried this. If you could try it, that would be great.
I've tried it, it didn't work :( I've put an user in ldap, the
user 'henkie'.
getent passwd
getent group
show the user. An ls -l /tmp/testfile which was set to uid:gid of
2001:2001 works:
# ls -l /tmp/testfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 henkie henkie 0 2008-06-10 20:38 /tmp/testfile
So my ldap connection is working and libnss-pam is doing its job.
> Note: Regarding the -r option, I'm not convinced it would be really
> useful. Only passwd supports it, and only the "file" repository is
> supported currently. I would prefer to drop it from passwd.
Agreed, even without an ldap server you can still update local
passwords as libnss should fall back to using files.
> > Same goes for, chage, chsh etc.
> As I don't have any LDAP setup at hand, that would be great if you could
> report if it works for these various tools.
If tested a few, the results:
[ pw = pw_locate (user);
isn't working properly in this case, maybe it is too clever?
$ getent passwd |grep henkie
$ getent group |grep henkie
Performing this with the username 'henkie'
=== /usr/bin/chage
=== /usr/bin/chfn
Changing the user information for henkie
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
Full Name [henkie]: Testing this for ldap
Room Number []:
Work Phone []:
Home Phone []:
Other []:
chfn: henkie not found in /etc/passwd
=== /usr/bin/chsh
Changing the login shell for henkie
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
Login Shell [/bin/bash]: /bin/zsh
chsh: henkie not found in /etc/passwd
=== /usr/bin/expiry
=== /usr/bin/gpasswd
=== /usr/bin/passwd
passwd: User not known to the underlying authentication module
passwd: password unchanged
- Miek
GPG Key ID: 3880 D0F6 http://www.miek.nl/
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