[Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#472575: Bug#472575: Bug#472575: /usr/bin/passwd needs patch for better SE Linux support

Russell Coker russell at coker.com.au
Tue Mar 25 21:09:41 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 26 March 2008 04:08, Christian Perrier <bubulle at debian.org> 
> Quoting Nicolas François (nicolas.francois at centraliens.net):
> > > password.  With SE Linux Strict policy a user who has UID==0 and the
> > > role user_r can do little damage to the system.
> >
> > Thanks for the patch. I will commit it for 4.1.1.
> Is there any need to discuss this with other distros?

Which other distros are you referring to?  Red Hat appears to use a different 
source base for passwd (and in any case a large part of my patch was copied 
from their code).  Who else has SE Linux support?

> (context for Russel: we are now upstream for shadow so we do our best
> to sync our improvements with other vendors who use it...."we"==mostly
> Nicolas François and a very little part of /me)

For distros using SE Linux my patch will never cause any problems (if the 
previous code worked) and will stop some cases where machines can get owned.

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