[Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#505271: Bug#505071: login tty mis-determination (see bug#332198)

Nicolas François nicolas.francois at centraliens.net
Sun Nov 23 21:24:26 UTC 2008


On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 08:01:42AM +1100, psz at maths.usyd.edu.au wrote:
> Seems your message relates to "old" things, Nicolas has fixed this for
> lenny already.

I've made an upload to fix #505271, but not this bug (#505071).
The answer on debian-release was not enough for me to also fix #505071.

> Please also:
>  - fix for etch,

I made an upload for Etch (-7etch1, also to fix #505271)
Moritz, if you can't see it, maybe I did it wrong.

>  - alert other Linux distros,

A new upstream version was released this weekend.

It also contains a fix for this bug (#505071).
I attach this patch in case it is considered OK and needed for Lenny.

>  - issue DSA.

This will be done by the Security Team when the Etch package will be ready
on all archs.

Best Regards,
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