[Pkg-shadow-devel] ScanMail Notification.

trend_product at ongc.co.in trend_product at ongc.co.in
Mon Jun 21 05:11:46 UTC 2010

At Mon Jun 21 10:41:47 2010, Virus Scan detected on server

ScanMail detected PE_SALITY.AS in text.zip/text.html
.scr and took this action: Quarantine.

in a message from pkg-shadow-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org to
kumar_shothish at ongc.co.in, and took this action: Deliver.

Detected by ScanMail for Domino
using pattern file version 7.255.00
and scan engine version 8.700-1004.

This message is for the use of addressee and may contain legally 
privileged and confidential information. If the reader of this 
message is not the intended recipient, or employee or agent 
responsible for delivering the message to the recipient, you are 
hereby cautioned that any dissemination, distribution or copying 
of this communication is prohibited. If you have received this 
transmission in error, please delete this mail and notify us 
immediately at "admin_ongcmail at ongc.co.in"

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