[Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#670132: Happens when the session is closed
Tollef Fog Heen
tfheen at err.no
Sat Jun 30 06:25:02 UTC 2012
so, what happens is that systemd (and upstart, I suspect) sends SIGTERM
to su when the pam session is closed.
src/su.c:prepare_pam_close_session ends with:
(void) pam_setcred (pamh, PAM_DELETE_CRED);
(void) pam_end (pamh, PAM_SUCCESS);
if (0 != caught) {
(void) signal (SIGALRM, kill_child);
(void) alarm (2);
(void) wait (&status);
(void) fputs (_(" ...terminated.\n"), stderr);
exit ((0 != WIFEXITED (status)) ? WEXITSTATUS (status)
: WTERMSIG (status) + 128);
/* Only the child returns. See above. */
signal + alarm there is to ensure that any signals in the pam cleanup
phase causes the termination of the child, but this is already done by
I think just dropping the fputs should be reasonable enough.
Alternatively, I can make systemd not send SIGTERM to the session
leader. I'm not entirely sure why it does that in the first place, but
I've asked upstream to comment.
Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are
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