[Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#713979: su: kill child process group on signal, not just immediate child

Bob Proulx bob at proulx.com
Sat Aug 3 07:12:09 UTC 2013

Nicolas François wrote:
> When there is a controlling terminal, I'm not sure how this really works. It
> seems to me that the terminal, after receiving a Ctrl-C Ctrl-Z, Ctrl-\
> sends the corresponding signal to the foreground process (?).

The word you are looking for there is group.  The foreground process
group.  It isn't the terminal sending the signal.  It is the tty
driver.  When any of the 'stty -a' characters are detected the
associated signal is sent to the foreground process group.

Note that job control changes the semantics of background processes
and process groups.  Therefore scripts (no job control) behave
differently from the command line (with job control enabled).  This
difference has been known to confuse people.

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