[Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#663200: Bug#628843: Bug#659878: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device

Wolfgang Zarre lkdev at essax.com
Tue Aug 27 09:43:59 UTC 2013


First, I'm sorry that it took me now nearly three month to finish because always
when I have the impression having time left it turns the opposite.

However, finally I managed that the patch is working so far but it's not fully

Currently I just tested on amd64, with PAM authentication with bash job controlling
foreground/background and SIGSTOP/SIGCONT processes, so tests with other platforms and
shells are still necessary including non PAM authentication.

> I created a branch (su-C_tty) starting with the patch from Wolfgang Zarre
> (comment 141 in #628843). Thanks!

You are welcome! The branch is on svn.debian.org ?

> There is one thing I don't understand (let's start with this one):
> When I execute a command with su –c <command>, it does not react to
> SIGTSTP (either from Ctrl-Z or kill -SIGTSTP). It works OK when I execute
> a shell.
> Is this behavior expected? What is the reason?

Actually it's not expected however, there where issues as mentioned in #156
but was targeting more the issues as mentioned above to switch correct the
parent's tty between cooked and raw mode.

A short test was showing now that this is really not working as expected and
I'll try to investigate and rework the patch accordingly.

Best regards

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