[Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#801981: pwconv: keeps some lines that should be deleted from /etc/shadow

sievers at math2.nat.tu-bs.de sievers at math2.nat.tu-bs.de
Fri Oct 16 14:59:01 UTC 2015

Package: passwd
Version: 1:4.2-3

Hi, I observed a strange behaviour when pwconv should delete several
lines from /etc/shadow.

Here is how to reproduce it:

Starting from a standard installation, add some users, for example:

  root at debian:~# for i in $(seq 10); do adduser --no-create-home --disabled-password --gecos '' test$i; done

As expected, they appear in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow.
Now delete them from /etc/passwd, e.g using vipw.
They are still in /etc/shadow, pwconv should be able to fix that.
However, every other entry will be kept:

  root at debian:~# pwconv
  root at debian:~# grep test /etc/shadow

Even more strange, after a second pwconv only test8 remains.

The same thing happens with grpconv.

All the best,
Christian Sievers

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