[Pkg-shadow-devel] ITA: shadow -- system login tools

Christian PERRIER bubulle at debian.org
Tue Aug 2 16:05:03 UTC 2016

Quoting Andreas Henriksson (andreas at fatal.se):
> Hello!
> Would just like to add here that http://bugs.debian.org/833256
> has been filed and another option than seeking someone to
> maintain src:shadow would be to migrate over to the tools
> provided by src:util-linux (which other distributions use
> and is well maintained upstream) and thus possibly getting
> rid of src:shadow.
> Anyone thinking of adopting shadow might want to investigate
> this alternative. Feel free to comment on #833256.
> Regards,
> Andreas Henriksson

Juste answering to your mail so that' it's CC'ed to the shadow
development list. 

I agree that having something different from other distros is,
nowadays, probably not the best thing. If we look how loosely shadow
was maintained during several years (no offense intended to those
involved, of course, which includes myself), I'm sure there's
something better to do.


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