[Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#924505: bash: set shell to /bin/sh on removal

Dmitry Bogatov KAction at disroot.org
Sun Sep 8 20:15:54 BST 2019

[2019-09-03 17:36] Matthias Klose <doko at debian.org>
> On 02.09.19 21:14, Dmitry Bogatov wrote:
> > Subject: [PATCH] Change shells of users from /bin/bash to /bin/sh on removal
> sorry for joining in lately into this game, but I didn't want to do that in 
> parallel with my other Debian tasks.

> I don't like the idea of automatic shell rewriting, and will revert it
> with the next regular upload.

No need. I cancelled NMU due other issues.

> For user accounts it potentially creates broken init files, because
> the user's init files might use bashisms.

Then you are lucky. System administrator could have uninstalled your

> The same might be true for system accounts, although you can
> manually check if these accounts use bashisms.  Nobody is hurt by
> having bash installed, you can avoid that for new installations,

You can't. It is essential. Making it possible to strip essential flag
from bash is goal of whole game.

> so this change doesn't seem to have any benefit which out weights the
> regression potential.  There also isn't any precedence for other
> shells doing that.

None other shells are essential, and none of them are used by default
for root user.
Note, that I send and fetch email in batch, once in a few days.
Please, mention in body of your reply when you add or remove recepients.

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