Xerces-C 3.1 transition
Russ Allbery
rra at debian.org
Tue Dec 15 05:34:24 UTC 2009
Debian unstable is moving to Xerces-C 3.1, and building XMLTooling 1.3.3
makes it unhappy:
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol _ZN6TXFMSBC1EPN11xercesc_3_111DOMDocumentE used by debian/libxmltooling4/usr/lib/libxmltooling.so.4.0.3 found in none of the libraries.
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol _ZN13DSIGSignature20createBlankSignatureEPN11xercesc_3_111DOMDocumentEPKtS4_ used by debian/libxmltooling4/usr/lib/libxmltooling.so.4.0.3 found in none of the libraries.
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol _ZN12XSECProvider19newSignatureFromDOMEPN11xercesc_3_111DOMDocumentEPNS0_7DOMNodeE used by debian/libxmltooling4/usr/lib/libxmltooling.so.4.0.3 found in none of the libraries.
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol _ZN12XSECProvider9newCipherEPN11xercesc_3_111DOMDocumentE used by debian/libxmltooling4/usr/lib/libxmltooling.so.4.0.3 found in none of the libraries.
The missing symbols are:
DSIGSignature::createBlankSignature(xercesc_3_1::DOMDocument*, unsigned short const*, unsigned short const*)
XSECProvider::newSignatureFromDOM(xercesc_3_1::DOMDocument*, xercesc_3_1::DOMNode*)
This looks like fallout from the new library being built with 3.1, because
the dev package was upgraded, but XML-Security-C being built with 3.0. My
guess is that rebuilding XML-Security-C with 3.1 will fix it, but we'll
probably need to go through all the packages and do another transition.
(There are new versions available for all of them anyway, though, so we'd
be doing that regardless.)
Unless someone else sees something I don't, I'm going to start the ball
rolling by asking the release team for a binNMU of XML-Security-C to pick
up Xerces 3.1 symbols.
Russ Allbery (rra at debian.org) <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>
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