Plans for Shibboleth SP 2.1 debian packages

Ferenc Wagner wferi at
Wed May 6 09:48:29 UTC 2009

Patrik Schnellmann <patrik.schnellmann at> writes:

> Ferenc Wagner wrote:
>> Of course as soon as library incompatibilities arise, this won't be a
>> question any more.  According to Russ, this already happened...
>> Stay tuned.
> I just wanted to check the status of the Shib SP 2.1 packages.  Will
> they be available in the lenny-backports soon?

They are still installable from unstable or testing (that's what we do
on our systems), so I don't work on getting them into lenny-backports.
Actually, I can recall reading that if a package is installable from
testing, it isn't eligible for backports.  I can't find a reference
now, though...

Why isn't using testing (squeeze) as a source an option for you?

You know, maintaining backport branches is extra burden, which I'd
like to avoid as long as possible.

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