Backports of current Shibboleth 2.x packages to lenny

Russ Allbery rra at
Wed Sep 23 23:07:48 UTC 2009

I've finished backports of the current Shibboleth 2.2 packages to lenny
and have lightly tested them, successfully.  As soon as I get confirmation
from the release team about how the opensaml2 security update will be
handled so that I have the version number confirmed for the
security announcement, I'll upload those packages to

The backports in this case could be done automatically except for removing
the versioned dependency on libxerces-c-dev in opensaml2, so I didn't
bother to create branches in the Git repository for them, although I can
do that if others would find it helpful.  They were done with the upcoming
release of my backporting script, which you can find at:

It needs a few tweaks; the new release should hopefully be out today.

Russ Allbery (rra at               <>

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