Bug#685069: Fwd: End of Life date for Shibboleth SP V2.4.3

Brian Kroth bpkroth at gmail.com
Fri Oct 5 19:46:11 UTC 2012


If no one else has started on this I might take a stab since I'm hoping 
it will solve some pretty awful memory leaks I've run into when using 
this with unixodbc and libmyodbc.


----- Forwarded message from "Cantor, Scott" <cantor.2 at osu.edu> -----

Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 18:33:14 +0000
From: "Cantor, Scott" <cantor.2 at osu.edu>
To: "announce at shibboleth.net" <announce at shibboleth.net>
Subject: End of Life date for Shibboleth SP V2.4.3
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The previous stable release of the Service Provider will be moved to the
unsupported category on November 30th, 2012. There have been no
regressions reported in V2.5.0, so I'm setting that date to close
maintenance on the previous branch.

If any security issues arise between now and that date, we will provide a
patch release to both V2.4.3 and V2.5.0 (as necessary), but after that
date, there will be further official patch support from the project.

Our documentation will be updated to reflect this date and I will add a
news item to the web site at my earliest convenience.

-- Scott

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