stretch-backports of 2.6.1

Cantor, Scott cantor.2 at
Wed Dec 6 21:35:03 UTC 2017

On 12/6/17, 4:00 PM, "Ferenc Wagner,,, on behalf of Ferenc Wágner" <wferi at> wrote:

> That's worrying.  Are you talking about embargoed issues?

I spoke imprecisely; there are I'm sure a massive number of vulnerabilities because the code is so awful but what I was getting at was that there are unfixed issues in other vendor distributions of 3.1 (Red Hat) and that my only recourse for the next SP version was to get 3.1 killed off and ship 3.2 so I could force my own versions into place on some of the platforms I have to package for.

In doing that, 3.1 was closed to further work, and since you were talking about these newer versions I just wondered if that might include this.

-- Scott

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