Starting to backport SP3 to stretch

wferi at wferi at
Sat Dec 15 06:56:11 GMT 2018

Etienne Dysli Metref <etienne.dysli-metref at> writes:

> On 14/12/2018 16:16, Cantor, Scott wrote:
>>> BTW how much is Xalan useful/required for xml-security-c?
>> Obviously Shibboleth doesn't use it (in fact it strongly prefers
>> it *not* be compiled in) but I don't know if that's your question
>> or driving consideration.
> Yeah I'm asking because it was added to the Debian package in commits:
> - 10631007 "Enable XPath/XSLT support via Xalan"
> - 494511e9 "We now use Xalan"
> (in repository and
> I'm wondering why (given that it makes backporting more complicated).


After reading a
couple of times and noticing that the Santuario home page does not warn
against Xalan anymore, I decided to enable it.  I vaguely remembered
even a passing mention of it by Scott discussing the pkg-config changes
in Santuario, by I may got that wrong.  You needn't backport it and we
can revert the change in unstable in a blink, so opinions welcome!

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