Shibboleth-SP 3.0.4 update

Sam Hartman hartmans at
Wed Mar 13 15:27:31 GMT 2019

>>>>> "Cantor," == Cantor, Scott <cantor.2 at> writes:

    Cantor,> On 3/13/19, 10:13 AM, "Pkg-shibboleth-devel on behalf of
    Cantor,> Sam Hartman"
    Cantor,> < at
    Cantor,> on behalf of hartmans at> wrote:

    >> They may well reject the mac build patches since they don't
    >> matter on Debian,

    Cantor,> They actually correct a code usage pattern that is not
    Cantor,> allowed in C++. It's illegal in a "the compiler can choose
    Cantor,> to completely screw you" sort of way, it just doesn't
    Cantor,> generally do that in practice (yet). The Mac issue was the
    Cantor,> canary in the coal mine at this point.

The compiler is unlikely to change during the lifetime of buster in any
significant way.

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