Shibboleth-SP 3.0.4 update

Cantor, Scott cantor.2 at
Wed Mar 13 16:58:46 GMT 2019

On 3/13/19, 12:28 PM, "Etienne Dysli Metref" <etienne.dysli-metref at> wrote:

> Yeah that one:
> The
> result is Shibboleth conflicts with about every other Apache module
> and is uninstallable together with PHP, for example. This is the most
> apparent and painful issue to date (beside security fixes being
> ignored)... Pretty good for a LTS release, isn't it? ;P

Where I'm at that fixable? Is there some timing window in which it becomes impossible to produce "official" (whatever that means) packages that would resolve the conflict, or is there no such thing as "official" anyway, in which case this is just somebody doing the work, or...?

> Now who is maintaining Shibboleth packages in Ubuntu? Since they are
> in "universe", officially it's "the community", not Canonical. 

So in effect, there's no official anything here, they're either maintained by Canonical or they're unofficial and can be produced for any Ubuntu version desired and made available through something Canonical hosts for use by the community to provide packages. Is that about it? Or is this not even hosted by Canonical at all?

But if there's no expectation of security fixes, then the project's position on this is going to be pretty self-evident.

-- Scott

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