Fwd: SP release before March 2020?

wferi at niif.hu wferi at niif.hu
Thu Jan 30 17:00:48 GMT 2020

Etienne Dysli Metref <etienne.dysli-metref at switch.ch> writes:

> In the meantime, I've got a backport for stretch ready to go in branch
> edm/debian/stretch-backports (up to c625162). Can you give it a look
> and upload it if it's good, please?

Hmm, are you sure stretch-backports accepts packages newer than buster?
Packages from bullseye should target stretch-backports-sloppy as far as
I understand.  I think we'll be able to get a 3.0.4-1+deb10u1 into
buster (though the release team didn't answer #950139 yet), and then
backport that into stretch-backports.

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