Issue Tracker migration

wferi at wferi at
Wed Oct 13 13:15:56 BST 2021

"Cantor, Scott" <cantor.2 at> writes:

>> 3. GCC 11 defaults to C++17 which does not allow dynamic exception
>>    specifications, breaking the build of the SP stack.  GCC 11 isn't
>>    the default compiler in Debian yet, but probably will be by next
>>    year, so I'd like to know where you stand.

It was quicker, GCC 11 is already the default compiler in Debian unstable.

> I don't know the impact

Turns out it isn't too bad, the only affected component is log4shib,
which I couldn't find in JIRA, so please have a look at (the two
old commits are unrelated to the C++17 issue, they just align behaviour
with the other projects of the stack).

You may prefer to just drop the exception specifications (noexcept was
introduced in C++11 AFAIK), I left them in for better visibility only,
and I'm willing to create the other variant if you wish.  However, I did
this rather mechanically without giving any deeper thought (if it compiles
it must be right, right?), so don't neglect to review (my C++ is weak).

> but anything huge is just not going to happen, when the focus needs to
> be on dumping all of this code entirely.

I don't follow, all of which code are you trying to dump?

> It's particularly a problem if it isn't even our code that would need
> to change.

Fortunately it doesn't seem to be the case now.

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