[Pkg-sks-commit] r138 - sks/trunk/sks/debian/patches

chrism at alioth.debian.org chrism at alioth.debian.org
Thu Jun 19 15:06:37 UTC 2008

Author: chrism
Date: 2008-06-19 15:06:37 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 138

[project @ 140]
Do not use hostname and port in hrefs, when we link to ourselves

Original author: weasel
Date: 2004-04-21 19:00:46.821998+00:00

Added: sks/trunk/sks/debian/patches/204_relative_links
--- sks/trunk/sks/debian/patches/204_relative_links	                        (rev 0)
+++ sks/trunk/sks/debian/patches/204_relative_links	2008-06-19 15:06:37 UTC (rev 138)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+diff -ruN sks-1.0.7-old/htmlTemplates.ml sks-1.0.7/htmlTemplates.ml
+--- sks-1.0.7-old/htmlTemplates.ml	Wed Dec 10 03:12:34 2003
++++ sks-1.0.7/htmlTemplates.ml	Wed Apr 21 20:55:30 2004
+@@ -47,13 +47,16 @@
+     (Str.global_replace br_regexp  " | " title) title body
+ let link ~hostname ~op ~hash ~fingerprint ~port ~keyid =
+-  sprintf "http://%s:%d/pks/lookup?op=%s%s%s&search=0x%s"
+-    hostname 
+-    port 
++  let path = sprintf "pks/lookup?op=%s%s%s&search=0x%s"
+     op 
+     (if hash then "&hash=on" else "")
+     (if fingerprint then "&fingerprint=on" else "")
+     keyid
++  in
++  if !Settings.links_include_server then
++    sprintf "http://%s:%d/%s" hostname port path
++  else
++    path
+ let keyinfo_header = "Type bits/keyID    Date       User ID"
+@@ -76,8 +79,11 @@
+   sprintf "\t Fingerprint=%s" fp
+ let hash_link ~hostname ~port ~hash =
+-  sprintf "http://%s:%d/pks/lookup?op=hget&search=%s"
+-    hostname port hash
++  let path = sprintf "/pks/lookup?op=hget&search=%s" hash in
++  if !Settings.links_include_server then
++    sprintf "http://%s:%d/%s" hostname port path
++  else
++    path
+ let hash ~hostname ~port ~hash = 
+   sprintf "\t Hash=<a href=%s>%s</a>" 
+diff -ruN sks-1.0.7-old/settings.ml sks-1.0.7/settings.ml
+--- sks-1.0.7-old/settings.ml	Tue Dec  9 22:33:31 2003
++++ sks-1.0.7/settings.ml	Wed Apr 21 20:50:05 2004
+@@ -133,6 +133,9 @@
+ let hostname = ref (Unix.gethostname ())
+ let set_hostname value = hostname := value
++let links_include_server = ref false
++let set_links_include_server value = links_include_server := value
+ let filelog = ref true
+ let transactions = ref true
+@@ -230,6 +233,7 @@
+        "in one shot");
+     ("-seed", Arg.Int set_seed, "Seed used by RNG");
+     ("-hostname", Arg.String set_hostname, "current hostname");
++    ("-links_include_server", Arg.Set links_include_server, "HTTP links include server and port ");
+     ("-d", Arg.Int set_drop, "Number of keys to drop at random " ^
+        "when synchronizing");
+     ("-n", Arg.Int set_n, "Multiple of 15,000 keys to load at once");

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