[Pkg-sks-commit] r144 - in sks/trunk/sks/debian: . patches
chrism at alioth.debian.org
chrism at alioth.debian.org
Thu Jun 19 15:08:41 UTC 2008
Author: chrism
Date: 2008-06-19 15:08:40 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 144
[project @ 146]
add 207_log_recovered_hashes_source: show source of keys in recon
Original author: weasel
Date: 2004-06-18 23:22:16.677255+00:00
Modified: sks/trunk/sks/debian/changelog
--- sks/trunk/sks/debian/changelog 2008-06-19 15:08:11 UTC (rev 143)
+++ sks/trunk/sks/debian/changelog 2008-06-19 15:08:40 UTC (rev 144)
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
* add 205_show_peer_when_config_rejected: print peername in reject errors.
* add 206_also_write_empty_diffs: also write empty diff-<ip>.txt files.
+ * add 207_log_recovered_hashes_source: show source of keys in recon.
- -- Peter Palfrader <weasel at debian.org> Sat, 19 Jun 2004 00:51:37 +0200
+ -- Peter Palfrader <weasel at debian.org> Sat, 19 Jun 2004 01:21:14 +0200
sks (1.0.7-0.1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
Added: sks/trunk/sks/debian/patches/207_log_recovered_hashes_source
--- sks/trunk/sks/debian/patches/207_log_recovered_hashes_source (rev 0)
+++ sks/trunk/sks/debian/patches/207_log_recovered_hashes_source 2008-06-19 15:08:40 UTC (rev 144)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+diff -ruN sks-1.0.7-old/reconserver.ml sks-1.0.7/reconserver.ml
+--- sks-1.0.7-old/reconserver.ml Sat Jun 19 01:09:45 2004
++++ sks-1.0.7/reconserver.ml Sat Jun 19 01:10:09 2004
+@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
+ ignore (plerror 4 "Reconciliation complete");
+ let elements = Set.elements results in
+ let hashes = hashconvert elements in
+- print_hashes hashes;
++ print_hashes (sockaddr_to_name addr) hashes;
+ log_diffs (sprintf "diff-%s.txt" (sockaddr_to_name addr)) hashes;
+ if List.length elements > 0
+ then (
+@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
+ let results = Set.elements results in
+ ignore (plerror 4 "Reconciliation complete");
+ let hashes = hashconvert results in
+- print_hashes hashes;
++ print_hashes (sockaddr_to_name partner) hashes;
+ log_diffs (sprintf "diff-%s.txt" (sockaddr_to_name partner)) hashes;
+ match results with
+ [] -> []
+diff -ruN sks-1.0.7-old/recoverList.ml sks-1.0.7/recoverList.ml
+--- sks-1.0.7-old/recoverList.ml Tue Mar 2 13:52:17 2004
++++ sks-1.0.7/recoverList.ml Sat Jun 19 01:11:39 2004
+@@ -56,14 +56,14 @@
+ in
+ loop list []
+-let print_hashes hashes =
+- if List.length hashes = 0 then signore (plerror 4 "No hashes recovered")
++let print_hashes source hashes =
++ if List.length hashes = 0 then signore (plerror 4 "No hashes recovered from %s" source)
+ else if List.length hashes <= 10 then (
+- ignore (plerror 3 "Hashes recovered: ");
++ ignore (plerror 3 "Hashes recovered from %s" source);
+ List.iter hashes
+ ~f:(fun hash -> ignore (plerror 3 "\t%s" (KeyHash.hexify hash)));
+ ) else
+- ignore (plerror 3 "%d hashes recovered" (List.length hashes))
++ ignore (plerror 3 "%d hashes recovered from %s" (List.length hashes) source)
+ (** converts a list of elements of ZZp to a sorted list of hashes *)
+ let hashconvert elements =
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